Iranian Electromotor
Nowadays, Iranian dynamo manufacturing companies are the first to produce and export electric motors in the Middle East. Among the leading companies in the field of industrial electromotor production in Iran, we can mention Motogen Electromotor, Electromotor Electromotor and Jumco Electromotor . These companies produce three types of industrial three-phase electromotor, cast iron and alternator shell aluminum, single-phase electro motor, air conditioner and gas burner motor. Below are some of the top Iranian trademarks in the field of electromotor manufacturing. He points out that you can contact us through the special order registration link to order a specific electric motor.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which brands in Iran produce AC motor?
Answer: Tabriz Motogen Electromotor , Electromotor and Jumco Electromotor are the top manufacturers of AC alternator in Iran. These companies also contribute to the export of electromotors abroad and have a say in the manufacture of industrial electromotors in Iran.Mutogen Electromotor Company produces a variety of three-phase and single-phase electromotors. Currently, the Electromotor Company produces only three-phase electromotors and will produce single-phase alternators in the near future. The mutagen electromotor is produced in some capacities by both aluminum shell and cast iron shell. These brands are known as the best Iranian alternator or the bestIranian electromotor and are considered the best quality Iranian alternator.
Do you have a second hand Iranian alternator?
A: Generally, the alternator is not for sale on the industrial site, but in the industrial wall section you can find items that are registered by the seller. Keep in mind that these are not industrial goods and make sure you are safe before depositing them.